Friday, June 24, 2011

Sunday Observance Committee Tercentenary Badge

The latest addition to the collection is a badge from the 300th anniversary celebration for the City of Salem, Massachusetts. One was given to each the 25 members of the Sunday Observance Committee. The Sunday Observance ceremonies were held in the Salem Common on Sunday, July 4, 1926.

The event consisted of ringing of the various churches bells, dedication of the Bandstand which is still in the Salem Common, a speech by the mayor and concert by the Salem Cadet Band.

If you are interested in knowing who the members of the committee were, you can check the link provided to our website for the items page here

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Latest Acquisitions For The Collection

Recently we received some new items for the collection. One of my relatives houses had to be cleaned out and these items are what we found that fit in the context of the collection.

There is an envelope from the Dubiel Funeral Hone which was on Bridge StNext a diploma from St. John the Baptist School from 1936

An ID Card from the Salem Gas Light Co. on Bridge Street
Lastly a collection of WWI papers, photos and Salem Service Medal which can be seen on our website :